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February 10, 2023

Product Feedback (Beta)

Product Feedback (Beta)

We're excited to announce the beta release of our new Product Feedback feature in Orbit!

We know that managing customer feedback can be challenging, especially when it's scattered across different documents, spreadsheets, and tools. That's why we've developed this powerful new feature to help you streamline the process.

Single source of truth

Consolidate feedback from various sources into one central location within Orbit, making it easier to manage and prioritize customer needs, requests, and pain points.

Capture opportunities

Turn valuable product feedback into actionable opportunities that can be easily mapped onto your Opportunity Solution Tree or integrated into your product roadmap.

Contributors and viewers

Our Contributor and Viewer profiles enable your entire organization to provide feedback, ensuring that valuable insights from every department are captured. 

Please note that this feature is currently in beta, and we're actively seeking your feedback to help us make improvements. You can find out how to get started here